Director's Speech

Assalamualaikum W.B.T.

Summer holiday is the best time for Medical students in Egypt to relax and at the same time benefit theirselves & the community. No lectures, no assignments, no nothing. 3 months of leisure time is more than enough to be either wasted or filled with beneficial activities.

Being in Malaysia is the best chance to optimize the opportunity to share experiences & vision with great Malaysian doctors. More over, during the academic period, students in Egypt are relatively restricted to conduct many enjoyable & great activities by geographical barrier & differences in University schedule.

With that reasons, PERUBATAN as an association of Malaysian Medical-based students in Egypt is taking an initiative to organizing the first ever summer camp in Malaysia, entitled “Yielding Medical Heroes” (YAHOO! At Pangsun).

With the theme “Potentiate Your Wisdom, Elevate Your Competence”, the programme is best planned, possessed the modules and slots which will bring you the recent and relevent medical issues. “YAHOO! At Pangsun” Camp, as well, presenting you the presenters and facilitators which consist of experienced doctors in Malaysia. With some adjuvants in form of outdoor activities, it should be considered to challenge you mentally, physically and spiritually.

So let us build a vision towards being a great & competent doctor and at the same time, active in the community work (activism). "YAHOO! At Pangsun” as first time to be held, is a kick off from PERUBATAN to organize a beneficial programme in Malaysia and hopefully it would be an initiator to PERUBATAN and its members to organize and participate more community-based activities in the future, insha Allah.

As 'YAHOO' as it sounds, "YAHOO! At Pangsun" offers you experiences nothing others could offer. Come on, join us & be with us there!!


Ahmad Ibrahim B Yahaya
YAHOO! At Pangsun

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